If you are looking to bid goodbye to all the unwanted body hair in Hyderabad, then you are just one step away from getting the smoothest and hair-free skin of your dreams. Unwanted hair anywhere on the body can turn into an unpleasant sight both in men and women alike. But hair-free skin does not come hassle-free. Fortunately, laser hair removal in Hyderabad serves as a solution to achieve permanent reduction of unwanted hair anywhere on the body. Let us read all about laser and why it is an option worth considering.
Unwanted or excessive hair condition usually develops in women due to higher than normal levels of androgens or male hormones. This condition is medically termed as Hirsutism. In Hirsutism, coarse hair growth is seen on areas such as UNWANTED HAIR IS EXCESS, VISIBLE HAIR ON ANY PART OF THE BODY.
Below are the reasons causing unwanted or excessive hair –
There are several ways to get rid of unwanted hair that includes shaving, waxing, hair removal creams, threading, tweezing, electrolysis and more. But if you are looking for a permanent fix with long-standing results, then laser hair reduction at Anceta Care in Hyderabad is your go-to option.
If you wish to get rid of unwanted hair effectively in the safest possible way and enjoy long-term results, laser hair removal at Anceita Clinic in Hyderabad is the answer you are looking for. With state-of-the-art facilities to facilitate painless and comfortable hair reduction procedure, look no further than Anceita Care.
Laser hair reduction can be done anywhere on the body such as face, neck, chest, abdomenback, arms, legs, underarms, buttocks One can either take full body laser or choose to get a customized package as per individual requirement.
Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair reduction works equally and effectively for both men and women. Since laser targets the hair root, its intensity can be adjusted accordingly. Since men do not necessarily want the hair to be removed, they can get it thinned out on the desired areas. Most men opt for hair reduction on their chest, back, hands and legs. Beard shaping is also very popular service. Women, on the other hand, can achieve permanent hair reduction on all body parts including sensitive areas of the body.
Laser hair reduction involves using laser light of a specific wavelength to focus on the target area. Before the treatment, areas to be treated are marked and shave and then the doctor examines the hair and skin type and sets the required parameters. Both the doctor and the client will need to wear safety glasses for appropriate eye protection. Then a cooling or numbing gel is applied to the target area to minimize discomfort. After the pulse of light is directed on the target area, the light energy penetrates the skin and reach down to the hair follicle. The light is absorbed by melanin pigment present inside the hair which destroys the hair follicle. This, in turn, inhibits or delays future hair growth. Since our hair growth occurs in cycles, laser sessions are placed in a way to target hair throughout different growth phases. The laser light precisely targets the hair follicle without causing any damage to the surrounding skin.
If you are planning to get laser hair reductiontreatment, it is recommended not to undergo waxing, plucking, tweezing etc. six weeks prior to the treatment. Some dermatologists also advise to limit sun exposure before the treatment and apply sunscreen to protect the skin post-treatment. It is advised to follow all necessary pre and post care instructions laid out by the dermatologist to get the maximum result.
Laser hair removal cost in Hyderabad varies from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 5,000 per session. However, the exact cost depends on following factors–
The treatment is a non-invasive, FDA approved method involving minimal discomfort and no major side effects to achieve hair reduction permanently. It is pain-free, unlike waxing, shaving or tweezing. The treatment is completely safe on the skin and there is no chance of ingrown hairs, razor burns, cuts, bruises or dark patches.
Anceta Care is the ultimate destination for laser hair reduction treatment in Hyderabad. The dermatologists have years of expertise and carefully customize treatment procedure after a thorough analysis of factors such as skin type, targeted area, hair type and hair color. All the laser equipment used at Anceta is FDA approved to ensure utmost safety and efficacy of the procedure.
If you are looking for laser hair reduction treatment in Hyderabad, look no further and reach Anceta Care via our website or phone.
Yes, laser hair reduction offers permanent results for reduction of unwanted hair on the body.
Normally, 6 to 8 sessions are required for laser hair reduction. Also, the number of sessions may vary on the basis of target area, skin and hair type of individual.
A typical laser hair reduction treatment may take as less as 15 minutes to nearly an hour. The exact duration depends on the size and complexity of area to be treated.
Laser hair reduction is painless, quick, and precise and has no side effects, unlike electrolysis hair reduction. Laser is a sophisticated and pain-free technique, gentler than painful electrolysis that leaves painful bumps on the skin.
Laser hair reductionis a painless procedure but some people may feel slight warmth or heating sensations due to heat of lasers something resembling a warm massage.
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