Hair Fall Treatments In Hyderabad

Hair Fall Treatment in Hyderabad: Cost, Procedure & Results

Are you experiencing hair fall? Look no further! Anceita Skin & Hair Clinic is renowned for its personalized hair fall treatments in Hyderabad. With over 15 years of experience, our expert Dermatologist, Dr. Shravya Gurnurkar, specializes in providing advanced medico-aesthetic solutions to combat all types of hair loss, including acute hair fall, hair thinning, receding hairline, temple hair loss, and premature balding. Anceita stands out as the best hair clinic in Hyderabad, ensuring optimal hair regrowth results for both men and women effectively and safely.

Types And Causes Of Hair Fall

Before getting into any hair treatments, understanding the root causes of hair loss is crucial. Here are the common types and their underlying reasons:

Androgenetic Alopecia: Affecting both genders, this form of hair loss, commonly known as male/female pattern baldness, progresses with age and is treatable if detected early.

Telogen Effluvium: Typically triggered by stressful events, this temporary hair-shedding condition lasts about six months. If persistent, seeking medical advice is recommended.

Alopecia Areata: An autoimmune disorder resulting in round bald patches, potentially leading to complete hair loss.

Involutional Alopecia: As individuals age, the hair growth cycle changes, leading to reduced hair growth and increased shedding.

Scarring Alopecia: Rare inflammation-induced scarring diminishing scalp hair growth.

Hair Loss Treatments In Hyderabad At Anceita Clinic:

Our dermatologist may recommend the following treatments either individually or in combination to control the hair fall and increase the hair volume without any side effects.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment: PRP is a non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment where a patient’s blood is drawn, processed to concentrate platelets, and injected into the scalp. These platelets release growth factors that stimulate hair follicles, promoting natural hair growth and preventing further hair loss. PRP is known for its safety and effectiveness in reversing the early stages of hair loss.

Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) Treatment: GFC involves isolating and concentrating growth factors from the patient’s blood, creating a powerful serum injected into the scalp. This treatment stimulates cell growth, collagen production, and blood vessel formation, promoting a conducive environment for hair follicles. GFC is renowned for enhancing hair density, improving overall hair health, and encouraging sustainable hair regrowth.

Hair Transplantation: Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure which involves the surgical removal of hair follicles from a donor area and their transplantation to areas with thinning or no hair. This procedure provides a permanent solution for hair loss as the transplanted hair grows naturally. It offers a natural-looking appearance and the freedom from ongoing maintenance, making it a popular choice for those seeking long-term results.

How Much Does Hair Fall Treatment Cost in Hyderabad:

The average cost of hair fall treatment in Hyderabad ranges from INR 7000 to INR 13,000 per session. These prices are subject to change and vary based on factors like the number of sessions required, the area to be treated, and the root cause of hair fall. It’s essential to note that if you choose hair transplantation, the cost will be determined by the number of grafts required for the procedure.

Who is the right candidate for hair fall treatment?

Anyone above 18 years old and experiencing acute hair fall, sudden hair loss, thinning, or premature signs of balding. Pregnant or lactating women should consult a dermatologist before opting for hair treatments.

Hair Fall Treatment Procedure At Anceita Clinic

At Anceita, we offer a comprehensive hair regrowth treatment journey in Hyderabad. Here are the steps involved-

Pre-Treatment: An in-depth consultation with our experienced dermatologist to assess medical records, family history, and lifestyle factors, and diagnostic tests to formulate a personalized treatment plan.

During Treatment: Our dermatologists may have a multidimensional approach to treating your hair loss. They may include in-clinic hair fall treatments like PRP, GFC or hair transplantation at regular intervals. Additionally, they may prescribe oral and topical medications, along with essential supplements, which are integrated into the treatment plan to facilitate natural hair growth and ensure enduring satisfaction.

Post Treatment: Following the completion of the treatment procedure, our dermatologist will provide you with detailed post-care instructions. These instructions are crucial for achieving optimal results from the treatment.

Why Choose Anceita for Hair Loss Treatment in Hyderabad?

Discover why Anceita stands out as the preferred choice for safe, effective, and sustainable hair loss treatments in Hyderabad-

  1. With Over 15 years of experience dermatologist Dr. Shravya Gurnurkar offering personalized solutions tailored to your unique hair concerns.
  2. Protocol-driven hair treatment procedures ensure superior service quality and utmost client satisfaction.
  3. Utilization of revolutionary USFDA-approved technology and modern facilities.
  4. Cost-effective treatments deliver guaranteed, long-term results without any significant side effects.

Don’t let hair fall hold you back. Schedule a consultation with Anceita today and embrace healthy, beautiful hair!

Before And After Results

Immediately after the treatment, you may notice fuller look initially at the treated areas which eventually settles down to a more natural appearance. The skin looks plump, tight, lines are smoothed out and all the signs of aging are diminished.

Watch Now - PRP Hair Loss Treatment Video

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Our Dermatologist

Dr Shravya Gurnurkar

Dr. Shravya Gurnurkar

We are proud to have the opportunity to give you the smile of your dreams.

We are proud to house a team of specialists who share the same vision and belief in holistic solutions to empower every client with flawless skin and good hair days. Dr. Shravya G is our senior Dermatologist and Trichologist, specializing in cosmetic dermatology and hair loss treatments.

She is one of the few injectors to be invited for an international workshop early this year. Dr. Shravya G offers personalized touch in her services that get translated into long-standing and assured results for clients.

Our specialists will revert to answer all your queries.

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