MNRF Treatment: Cost, Benefits, Results & Side Effects

Looking for a way to achieve youthful, radiant skin without resorting to invasive procedures? MNRF treatment is the perfect solution for you! This innovative technology is gaining immense popularity due to its effectiveness in addressing various skin concerns.

What Is MNRF Treatment?

MNRF (Microneedling with Radiofrequency) is a minimally invasive treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and improve overall skin health. Microneedles create tiny channels in the skin, triggering the body’s natural healing response. Radiofrequency energy delivered through these channels further enhances collagen production and tightens the skin.

Why MNRF Treatment Is Becoming So Popular?

MNRF treatment offers several advantages that contribute to its rising popularity:

  • Safe and Effective: MNRF has a proven safety record and delivers visible results for various skin concerns.
  • Minimally Invasive: Unlike surgery, MNRF requires minimal downtime and is well-tolerated by most patients.
  • Versatile Treatment: MNRF can address a wide range of skin issues, promoting younger-looking skin.
  • Long-lasting Results: With proper skin care, MNRF results can last for months.

How Does MNRF Treatment Work For Skin?

MNRF treatment works by creating controlled micro-injuries in the skin using fine needles. This triggers the body’s natural healing process, leading to increased collagen and elastin production. Radiofrequency energy further tightens existing collagen fibers, resulting in firmer skin. These effects can help rejuvenate your skin and improve its overall appearance.

What Skin Conditions Can Be Treated With MNRF?

MNRF treatment can effectively address a variety of concerns, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scars
  • Sun damage
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Enlarged pores
  • Stretch marks

Benefits Of MNRF Treatment

MNRF treatment offers multiple benefits for your skin, including:

  • Reduces Signs of Ageing: MNRF stimulates collagen production, making skin smoother and firmer, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging.
  • Treats Acne Scars and Other Types of Scarring: Tiny needles create controlled injuries, triggering healing and new skin cell growth to minimize scars.
  • Minimizes Pore Size: Collagen production and increased elasticity lead to tighter pores and a refined skin texture.
  • Removes Stretch Marks: MNRF treatment remodels collagen, reducing the appearance of stretch marks and promoting smoother skin.
  • Reduces Hyperpigmentation and Sun Damage: Radiofrequency energy helps break down excess pigmentation, promoting even skin tone.
  • Helps in Skin Rejuvenation: Overall, MNRF treatment promotes collagen and elastin production, leading to healthier, younger-looking skin.
  • Improves Skin Texture & Tone: By stimulating collagen and cell renewal, MNRF evens out skin texture and promotes a brighter, more radiant complexion.
  • Enhances Skin Collagen Production: Microneedling creates controlled injuries that trigger the body’s natural collagen production for firmer skin.
  • Tightens and Lifts the Skin: Collagen remodelling caused by MNRF tightens loose skin, giving a subtle lifting effect.

MNRF Treatment Procedure:

Here is a detailed procedure of MNRF treatment and the care to be followed before and after the treatment:

Before MNRF Treatment:

  • Consultation: You’ll consult a dermatologist or qualified practitioner. They’ll assess your skin, discuss concerns, and determine if MNRF is suitable for you.
  • Preparation: You might need to avoid certain medications (blood thinners) and sun exposure for a set period before the procedure.

During MNRF Treatment:

  • Cleansing: The treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed to remove makeup and oils.
  • Numbing: A topical anesthetic cream might be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure.
  • Microneedling: The doctor will use a device with tiny needles to create controlled micro-channels in the skin.
  • Radiofrequency: Radiofrequency energy will be delivered through the needles, heating the deeper skin layers and stimulating collagen production.
  • Treatment Completion: The entire process typically takes 30-60 minutes depending on the treatment area and desired results.

After MNRF Treatment:

  • Redness and Swelling: You might experience temporary redness, swelling, and pinpoint bleeding, which usually subside within a few days.
  • Sun Protection: It’s crucial to diligently use sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) to protect your skin from sun damage while it heals.
  • Moisturizing: Keeping the treated area well-hydrated with gentle moisturizers is recommended to promote healing and prevent dryness.
  • Makeup: Avoid wearing makeup for 24-48 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoidance: Avoid strenuous activity, hot showers, and saunas for a few days to allow proper healing.


Before & After Results of MNRF Treatment:

MNRF treatment significantly enhances skin texture, tone, and overall appearance by stimulating collagen and elastin production. Post-treatment, patients typically experience smoother, firmer, and more radiant skin, with a noticeable reduction in fine lines, acne scars, enlarged pores, and uneven pigmentation.

How Much Does MNRF Treatment Cost In India?

The cost of Micro-Needling with Radio Frequency (MNRF) treatment in India typically ranges from ₹5,000 to ₹15,000. This cost may vary depending on several factors such as the clinic’s location, the expertise of the dermatologist, the extent of the area being treated, and the number of sessions required. 

  • Total Treatment Cost: Most patients require multiple MNRF sessions to see desired results (usually 3-6 sessions) for optimal results, making the total cost range from ₹15,000 to ₹90,000.
  • Consultation Fees: Initial consultation fees with a dermatologist can range from ₹500 to ₹2,000.

Aftercare Cost: Post-treatment skincare products, which are often recommended to enhance and maintain results, may incur additional cost can rage from ₹200 to ₹3,000

MNRF Treatment Price in India For Different Skin Conditions:

Here is the detailed price range of MNRF treatment for multiple skin concerns

Skin Condition

Cost Per Session (₹)

Total Treatment Cost (₹)

Fine Lines & Wrinkles 

5,000 – 10,000

15,000 – 60,000 

Acne Scars

7,000 – 12,000 

21,000 – 72,000

Enlarged Pores

5,000 – 8,000

15,000 – 48,000


6,000 – 10,000  

18,000 – 60,000 

Stretch Marks

8,000 – 15,000 

24,000 – 90,000 

Skin Rejuvenation

6,000 – 12,000 

18,000 – 72,000

Note: The total treatment cost varies based on the number of sessions required, which typically ranges from 3 to 6 sessions. Prices can also fluctuate based on clinic location, dermatologist expertise, specific patient needs, and skin condition.

Side Effects of MNRF Treatment

While Micro-Needling with Radio Frequency (MNRF) treatment is generally safe and well-tolerated, some patients may experience temporary side effects. It’s essential to be aware of these potential side effects before undergoing the procedure. Here are common side effects associated with MNRF treatment:

  • Redness & Swelling: Common post-treatment, usually subsides within days.
  • Sensitivity & Dryness: Skin may feel sensitive and dry temporarily.
  • Bruising & Discomfort: Possible, particularly in sensitive areas.
  • Skin Tightness & Itching: Normal during the healing process.
  • Risk of Infection: Rare, but important to follow post-care instructions.
  • Pigmentation Changes & Scarring: Occur rarely, especially in darker skin types.
  • Delayed Healing: Some individuals may experience longer recovery times.

It’s essential to discuss any concerns or potential risks with your dermatologist before undergoing MNRF treatment. Following pre and post-treatment care instructions can help minimize side effects and ensure optimal results.

FAQs On MNRF Treatment:

Does MNRF really work?

Yes, MNRF treatment is a clinically proven method for improving skin texture, tone, and reducing wrinkles.

Who Is An Eligible Candidate For MNRF Treatment

Anyone above 16 and Most adults with good overall health and realistic expectations are good candidates for MNRF treatment. During your consultation, our dermatologist will determine your suitability.

Who Should Avoid MNRF Treatment

Individuals with certain medical conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those on specific medications may not be suitable for MNRF treatment. Our consultation will help determine this.

Is MNRF Treatment Painful?

MNRF treatment may cause mild discomfort, but a topical anaesthesia can be applied to minimize any sensation.

How many MNRF sessions do I need?

Typically, one may need 4 to 6 sessions. However, the total number of MNRF sessions you’ll need depends on your individual goals and skin concerns. A dermatologist will assess your needs during a consultation and create a personalized treatment plan. Typically, multiple sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results.

Is MNRF better than laser treatment?

Both MNRF and laser treatments are highly effective and US-FDA Approved dermatology treatments. Consulting a dermatologist will help you determine which treatment is right for you.

How long does a typical MNRF session last?

A typical MNRF session can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated and the depth of the needles used.

Our Dermatologist

Dr. Shravya Gurnurkar

We are proud to have the opportunity to give you the smile of your dreams.

We are proud to house a team of specialists who share the same vision and belief in holistic solutions to empower every client with flawless skin and good hair days. Dr. Shravya G is our senior Dermatologist and Trichologist, specializing in cosmetic dermatology and hair loss treatments.

She is one of the few injectors to be invited for an international workshop early this year. Dr. Shravya G offers personalized touch in her services that get translated into long-standing and assured results for clients.