Mole Removal Treatment in Hyderabad

Best Clinic For Mole Removal Treatment In Hyderabad: Cost & Results

Every on sufferers with different kinds of moles like cancerous, cosmetic, birthmark and black moles. Remove all these kinds of moles by the expert dermatologist in Hyderabad at the lowest cost.

Best Moles Removal Treatment In Hyderabad

Many people notice the appearance of certain irregularity or dark spot on the skin referred to as moles. There are different types of moles, the majority of those being harmless. However, in rare cases, certain types of moles may develop into skin cancer also known as malignant melanoma. Therefore, it is advised to rush to a specialist if you being to notice any change in shape, colour or size of the mole to rule out cancer. Apart from the cancerous moles, others also require mole removal treatment especially if they increase in size and give scarring.

What Is A Skin Mole?

A mole is an abnormal collection of pigmented cells that give color to the skin. It appears as a dark brown or black spot or just plain irregularity on the skin and frequently removed for a number of reasons. The medical term for a skin mole is nevi. Moles may appear during childhood or at any age. Most individuals have 10 to 45 moles in their life that may fade or disappear with time. Most moles are harmless yet some may become cancerous and require immediate removal. Others are removed for cosmetic reasons. It is prudent to talk to a specialist before you decide about mole removal treatment.

Types And Classification

Moles can be classified into various types based on their development and placement on the skin. Here is a quick guide to moles classification and what they mean for the skin –

  • Common – A common mole has a smooth surface and distinct edges having 5-6mm large. These are formed due to sun exposure and rarely turn cancerous.
  • Atypical – Atypical or dysplastic nevi have irregular borders, vary in size and larger than most moles. Most of these are benign and may turn cancerous.
  • Congenital – Congenital nevi appear at birth and also referred to as birthmarks. They may risk of turning into melanoma later in life.
  • Acquired – Acquired nevi appear during childhood and adulthood. It is the most common type of mole and rarely pose any risk.
  • Junctional – These are freckle-like lesions usually in brown or black color and are located at the junction of the epidermis and dermis. They are commonly found moles on the neck, face, forehead, arms, legs, soles of the feet etc.
  • Intradermal – Intradermal nevi are flesh-colored or light brown moles that usually develop in late childhood or through adulthood.
  • Compound – Compound nevi are usually raised and some even have pigmentation.

What Causes Moles?

Moles are caused due to genetic tendencies and sun exposure (ultraviolet radiation). Some moles respond to changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, adolescent and older age. Moles get formed when skin cells, known as melanocytes, grow in clusters or lumps. Melanocytes are responsible for skin color and are distributed throughout the skin. Sun exposure plays an important role in the formation of atypical or dysplastic nevi which may be associated with a higher risk of melanoma.

Where Do Moles Appear?

Moles can appear anywhere on the body including scalp, ears, nose, cheek, palms, soles, lips, face, neck, stomach, eyebrows and genital area. Usually, fair or light skinned individuals are more prone to getting moles. Moles also appear due to consistent sun exposure.

How To Deal With Moles?

Look for the indicators that the mole may be cancerous by making an inventory to recognize any changes in the shape, size, color, elevation or symmetry of your mole. You can either examine it yourself or have a specialist undergo the skin examination to diagnosis for early skin cancer. You can examine unusual moles to determine if a mole may be melanoma by following the ABCDE guide –

  • A indicates asymmetrical shape with one half unlike the other
  • B is for borders to look for moles with irregular or scalloped borders
  • C indicates color. Look for uneven color, changed color or moles with many colors
  • D is for diameter. Look for moles having a diameter larger than 6 mm
  • E is for evolving. Look for moles that change shape, color and height.

Moles Removal Treatment In Hyderabad

Anceita Clinic offers result-oriented mole removal treatment options in Hyderabad. Primary procedures used to remove moles include –

  • Surgical excision – Mole removal is done by and considered the best method for removing moles in cosmetically sensitive areas. The procedure starts with cleaning the area thoroughly and numbing it using local anesthetic infiltrate The specialist maps out the mole and uses a scalpel to cut the mole along its border. The stitches are then placed depending on the depth of mole. The sutures are then removed after a week or so.
  • Shave removal – Shave removal is done using a scalpel to shave off the mole by flushing the skin. The wound is then covered with a dressing and the doctor will give post-care instructions to take care of the wound afterward. This treatment does not involve stitches.

It is of utmost importance to follow post-care instructions given by the dermatologists to ensure faster healing and minimal scarring. Avoid any unnecessary strain or pressure to the treated area. Clean the wound regularly to avoid any infection until the wound gets healed. Apply topical creams recommended by the dermatologist to minimize scarring.

How Much Does Moles Removal Cost In Hyderabad?

The Cost of mole removal treatment in Hyderabad starts at Rs.1,500 per session depending on the patient’s age, type of treatment along with size, location and severity of the treated area.

Why AnceitaFor Moles Removal In Hyderabad?

Anceita offers mole removal treatment in Hyderabad under the supervision of experienced dermatologists and trained specialists who are adept at delivering successful results. Besides, all the equipment used in the clinic adheres to top quality standards with USFDA certification to deliver optimal results.

How To Get Started With Anceita?

You can start by booking an appointment with our specialist for a thorough diagnosis and consultation session to proceed with the treatment session afterward.

Before And After Results

After moles removal treatment, one may expect to see results a few days to a few weeks after the treatment session. The mole scar will take about two weeks to heal and you will notice that the mole is gone with almost negligible signs of scarring. In the case of surgical excision, noticeable results are seen after the removal of stitches.

Frequently Asked Questions On Mole Removal

Dr Shravya Gurnurkar

Dr. Shravya Gurnurkar

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