Skin Whitening Treatments Cost In India

Skin Whitening/Lightening Treatment

Most people nowadays are paying attention to their skin tone and complexion to look more desirable. With the recent advancements in technology, it is easier to get a glowing and radiant skin tone using various creams, serums, lotions and even state-of-the-art modalities like laser treatment. This article will explore in detail facts about skin whitening treatment, available options to lighten skin tone, along with their benefits and cost.

What Is The Difference Between Skin Whitening, Skin Lightening And Brightening?

Most skin whitening treatments work temporarily on the skin and help lighten it by one or two shades. These topical skin whitening treatments claim to be permanent but they do not work once their application is stopped.

On the other hand, skin lightening and brightening treatments work to eradicate any hyperpigmentation or dark spots to help reveal flawless skin tone. They also make skin look youthful and impart a brightening glow.

While skin whitening treatment often makes use of harsh chemicals to bleach the skin and make it lighter, skin lightening and brightening treatments are comparatively safer. Dermatologists do not recommend using potentially dangerous chemicals to the skin for whitening treatment. On the other hand, skin lightening treatments use FDA approved equipment that offers utmost safety and efficacy without any major side effects.

What Is Skin Lightening Treatment?

Skin lightening treatments use advanced medical technologies and procedures to help restore the youthful glow and complexion of the skin while eliminating various signs of hyperpigmentation, dark spots, pimple marks, age spots and sun damage. These work by removing excess melanin within the skin layers and reveal a healthier and radiant skin tone. Since skin lightening procedures use FDA approved equipment and are performed by experienced dermatologists, they are highly safe and effective.

Skin Whitening Treatments In India

Different options for skin lightening treatments are available that can be selected based on your skin type and unique needs.

Medical Treatments:

Chemical Peels For Skin Whitening: Chemical peel treatment is a safe procedure to lighten the skin tone by gently exfoliating the damaged upper layers of the skin.

  • How Does It Work: The treatment involves using alpha-hydroxy acids that are extracted from natural sources and applied to the top layer of the skin. The dermatologists use chemical peels in suitable concentrations – light, medium or deep to undergo controlled exfoliation of the skin and remove the excess melanin build-up. The treatment targets blemishes, age spots, dark spots, sun tan and pigmentation to reveal healthy and even toned skin.
  • Suitable for: Both men and women
  • Age: 18+
  • Treatable Areas: Safe to be done on the face, neck, underarms and hands.
  • Effectiveness: Results are likely to last for a few months and you need to repeat sessions to maintain the glowing skin.

 Laser Treatment For Skin Lightening (Laser Toning): Laser treatment is an advanced and highly popular modality for skin lightening that involves exposing the target area with a concentrated beam of laser light that helps minimise the melanin build-up and reveal flawless skin tone.

  • How does it work: The FDA approved treatment involves focusing the laser beam of a specific wavelength to target deeper pigmentation within skin layers and reveal healthier skin from underneath. The light energy from the laser gets converted into heat energy which breaks down the excess melanin pigment and then it gets naturally removed by the body’s immune system.
  • Suitable for: Both men and women
  • Age: 18+
  • Effectiveness: Laser treatment is safe and highly effective in the treatment of hyperpigmentation, sun spots, age spots and dull skin from the face and specific areas of the body. The treatment needs more than one session that may include several maintenance sessions.

Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is another advanced and non-invasive skin lightening procedure that works by exfoliating the top layer of the skin and rejuvenate the complexion making it appear lighter and brighter.

  • How does it work: The treatment involves the use of a hand-held device that sprays fine crystals onto the target area of the skin. This will gently help get rid of the top damaged skin layer and make your skin look instantly youthful and radiant. The procedure is not painful and may take around 30 to 40 minutes depending on the size of the area and complexity.
  • Suitable for: Both men and women
  • Age: 18+
  • Effectiveness: Results usually last for a few months and you may need follow-up sessions depending on your skin type and reason for the treatment.

  Skin Lightening Injections: Skin lightening injections involve injecting a naturally occurring antioxidant and skin lightening agent named glutathione to regulate the production of melanin in the body by minimising the production of the enzyme tyrosinase.

  • How does it work: The dermatologist will inject glutathione usually in the vein of your arm in specific concentrations depending on your skin concern. Even though it is not considered safe and lacks FDA approval, it results in giving clearer, brighter and enhanced skin tone.
  • Suitable for: Both men and women
  • Age: 18+
  • Effectiveness: Results may last for several weeks to months depending on the individual case. You have to take the treatment every month or so to maintain the results.

Arbutin: Arbutin is a skin lightening ingredient used in various skin lightening and anti-pigmentation OTC products that helps reduce dark spots, age spots, pigmentation and more. 

  • How does it work: It works by affecting the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme that regulates melanin production in the body. It helps give spotless and brighter skin tone till the application is continued.
  • Suitable for: Both men and women
  • Age: 18+
  • Effectiveness: Results will last till it is applied to the skin without missing a day.

 Skin Whitening Surgery: Skin whitening surgery is a procedure that treats various pigmentation concerns and is performed by experienced dermatologists.

  • How does it work: It involves non-invasive treatments such as laser toning and chemical peels to intensively exfoliate skin layers and provide even toned, spotless skin. It requires multiple sessions to achieve the desired results.
  • Suitable for: Both men and women
  • Age: 18+
  • Effectiveness: Results can be seen two or three weeks after the treatment procedure and follow-up sessions are required to maintain the results.
At Home Treatments For Skin Lightening:
  • Skin Whitening Creams – Various OTC skin whitening creams are available in the market that works to lighten the skin tone using their bleaching properties. Most popular ingredients in such creams include azelaic acid, retinol, lactic acid, kojic acid and hydroquinone. These are not recommended for long term use.
  • Home Remedies – Home remedies include lightening the skin tone using face masks made with commonly found ingredients such as lemon, honey, etc. They lack scientific evidence, do not give immediate results and may not work for everyone.
  • Vitamin Supplements – Vitamin C, E and B12 can be taken orally in the form of supplements to help boost skin radiance and lighten dark spots.
  • Diet Habits – You can also include foods containing vitamin C and Vitamin E in your diet that promote healthy, youthful and glowing skin.

How Much Does Skin Whitening Treatment Cost In India?

The skin whitening treatment cost in India starts at INR 1800 and may go up to 40,000 depending on the type and complexity of the treatment as well as customisation as per unique individual needs. Please refer to the below table for detailed skin whitening treatments prices in India:


Min Price

Max Price

Skin Whitening Products



Chemical Peels



Glow Peels



Laser Treatment



Skin Whitening Injections



What Factors Influencing Skin Whitening Treatment Cost In India?

Here are the several factors influence the skin whitening treatment cost in India:

Type of Treatment: The chosen skin whitening method, whether it’s laser treatment, chemical peels, or topical creams, significantly affects the cost. Each technique has its own pricing structure based on its complexity and effectiveness.

Treatment Area: The size and area of the skin being treated play a crucial role in determining the overall cost. Treating smaller areas may be less expensive compared to larger or multiple areas.

Clinic Reputation and Location: The reputation and location of the clinic or dermatologist offering the treatment can impact the cost. Clinics in metropolitan cities or those with a high reputation may charge higher fees.

Number of Sessions: Skin whitening treatments often require multiple sessions for optimal results. The number of sessions needed depends on individual skin concerns and goals, which can affect the total cost.

Expertise of the Doctor: The expertise and experience of the dermatologist or practitioner administering the treatment can influence the pricing. Highly skilled professionals may charge higher fees for their services and efficacy.

Skin Lightening Treatment Packages Available in the market?

You can choose from various skin lightening treatment packages available in the market. These can also be customised to match the specific needs of individuals –

  • Lightening treatment package for the entire body
  • Brightening procedure for facial skin
  • Brightening procedure for neck, hands and feet
  • Lightening treatment for underarms


  • Is Skin Lightening Treatment Permanent?

No, skin lightening treatment is not permanent but its effects may last up to several months depending on how you maintain the post-treatment results. The results of laser toning last fairly longer as compared to other treatment options.

  • Is Skin Lightening Treatment Safe?

Yes, few skin lightening treatments are considered safe. Treatments such as laser toning & few types of peels are also FDA approved and not harmful to be used on most parts of the body if it is done by Dermatologist.

  • How Many Treatment Sessions are needed?

The number of treatment sessions varies from individual to individual depending on the type and efficacy of the treatment, size of the target area and complexity of the concern.

Our Dermatologist

Dr. Shravya Gurnurkar

We are proud to have the opportunity to give you the smile of your dreams.

We are proud to house a team of specialists who share the same vision and belief in holistic solutions to empower every client with flawless skin and good hair days. Dr. Shravya G is our senior Dermatologist and Trichologist, specializing in cosmetic dermatology and hair loss treatments.

She is one of the few injectors to be invited for an international workshop early this year. Dr. Shravya G offers personalized touch in her services that get translated into long-standing and assured results for clients.