Acne/Pimple Treatment

Acne (Pimple) Treatment In Hyderabad: Cost & Results

Are you fed up with the never-ending acne or pimples? If you dream of pimple-free skin and looking for personalized acne treatment in Hyderabad at a low cost, then you have come to the right place. At Anceita Clinic, We have the best dermatologists In Hyderabad for all grades of acne treatments.

Typically, the average cost of acne treatment in Hyderabad ranges between INR 3000 and INR 5,000, depending upon the severity of the acne and the type of treatment.

Best Dermatologist In Hyderabad For Acne Treatment

At Anceita Clinic, you will find the best dermatologists in Hyderabad for customized acne treatment. Our medical team will help you to get rid of acne in limited treatment sessions with the help of personalized treatment plans.

What Is Acne(Pimple)?

Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition that results in pimples or zits when the hair follicle is plugged from pores with dead skin cells or oil (produced from the sebaceous glands). The grade or severity of acne may vary from mild to chronic depending upon the inflammation of the pore. Acne or pimples affect people of all ages, leaving dark spots or acne scars.

Teenagers are mostly affected by acne, but it is also common in adults. One estimate suggests that by the end of 2026, people suffering from acne in India will reach 23 million. There are two common types of acne – inflammatory (pimples, zits, etc.) and non-inflammatory (blackhead, whitehead, etc.) and sought different types of treatment as well.

How Acne Will Form?

According to the dermatologists, acne or acne vulgaris mostly affect people with sensitive and oily skin types. If your skin feels greasy all the time, then your hair follicle will produce excess oil which can get clogged in the pores and lead to acne.

Dead skin cells and bacteria lead to inflammation of the skin along with redness. Later, it turns into full-blown pimple or breakout and if not treated timely, it may lead to unwanted blemishes or scars.

What Are The Different Types Of Acne?

Acne may occur in different types based on their severity. At Anceita clinic in Hyderabad, we treat all stubborn and recurrent acne conditions. Here are these –

  1. Whiteheads
  2. Blackheads
  3. Papules
  4. Pustules
  5. Nodules
  6. Cysts, etc.

What Causes Acne/Pimples?

Several reasons can trigger acne. However, the main causes behind their occurrence are listed as follows – Bacterial infection – P.Acnes bacteria live in our hair follicles. They are not usually known to be troublemakers unless their pores become clogged. The bacteria multiply and lead to acne.

  1. Oily skin – Oily skin is the perfect breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria.
  2. Hormonal Imbalance – Hormonal fluctuations result in the excess production of a hormone called androgen, which results in enlarged pores and excess sebum production. This, in turn, results in acne. It most commonly affects teenagers in puberty and is triggered in women during menstrual periods, pregnancy and stress.
  3. Heredity – If one of the parents or siblings had the problem of acne, then you are more likely to have it as well.
  4. Skin type – People with sensitive skin types are more prone to acne than others.
  5. Cosmetics – Sometimes greasy or oily cosmetics, hair products or those which do not suit your skin type can also lead to acne or pimples.
  6. Certain drugs – Acne can occur due to an allergic reaction to certain medications.

What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Pimples?

The first signs and symptoms of pimples or acne can be noticed on the various areas of the face and body, such as the chest, back, arms, shoulders, buttocks, etc. Here are these –

  1. Slight raised and bumpy skin
  2. Persistent redness around the bump
  3. Inflamed skin, which may tender to the touch
  4. Red fluid-filled swelling with a tip
  5. Presence of nodules or cysts
  6. Scars or blemishes which are red or brown in colour

What Areas Of The Body Is Affected By Acne?

Acne usually appears on the face, mainly on areas around the T-zone, such as cheeks, chin and forehead. Also, it commonly occurs on the shoulders, neck and chest area, back, upper arms, and other body parts.

Best Acne Treatments In Hyderabad

Your search for the best acne treatments In Hyderabad ends with Anceita Clinic. Our expert dermatologists devise treatment options to cure pimples permanently from the root cause. Mentioned below are the best acne treatments available in Hyderabad:

Oral Treatment – This is recommended as the first line of treatment in which a dermatologist prescribes oral antibiotics to minimize infection and redness. The duration would be planned as per severity and doctor assessment.

Topical Treatment – Topical treatment includes salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide based gels or creams, etc.

Chemical Peels – Our chemical peels are like a refreshing fruit boost for your skin! These FDA-approved gels contain Salicylic, a powerful anti-acne ingredient derived from fruits. They work wonders on your oil glands, effectively reducing acne and inflammation. The result? A fresh, radiant glow that brings out the best in your skin. Say goodbye to acne troubles and hello to a revitalized complexion with our chemical peels.

Comedone Extraction – Our expert dermatologists utilize a special instrument to extract blackheads and whiteheads to clean up the pores.

Microdermabrasion – Microdermabrasion helps reduce acne by clearing away dead skin cells and impurities that block the pores.

Laser Treatment – Our expert dermatologists may also suggest getting laser treatment for acne to eliminate blemishes, post-inflammatory pigmentation, or acne scars.

How Much Does Acne Treatment Cost In Hyderabad?

The average cost of acne treatment in Hyderabad ranges between INR 1,000 and INR 3,000 for basic treatments such as topical medications, cleansers, and creams. More advanced treatments like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or laser treatment for acne may cost between INR 3,000 and INR 8,000 per session.

Please note that this cost may vary for every individual based on factors such as the type and severity of acne, the number of sessions required, the area to be treated, and the root cause.

It is necessary to consult with a qualified dermatologist to determine the personalized treatment plan for your specific type of acne and skin condition. They will assess your skin and the severity of acne and recommend the most effective and cost-efficient treatment options.

Why Choose Anceita Clinic For Acne Treatment In Hyderabad?

Anceita always stands out for the best acne treatment in Hyderabad. Here is why

  • Experienced Dermatologists
  • Personalized Treatment Plans
  • Result Oriented Treatments
  • Transparent Pricing
  • State-Of-Are-Facilities
  • Extensive Post Care Support.

Before And After Results

A visible reduction in acne and acne scars can be witnessed from the first session of acne treatment at Anceta Care.

A visible reduction in acne and acne scars can be witnessed from the first session of acne treatment at Anceta Care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr Shravya Gurnurkar

Dr. Shravya Gurnurkar

We are proud to have the opportunity to give you the smile of your dreams.

We are proud to house a team of specialists who share the same vision and belief in holistic solutions to empower every client with flawless skin and good hair days. Dr. Shravya G is our senior Dermatologist and Trichologist, specializing in cosmetic dermatology and hair loss treatments.

She is one of the few injectors to be invited for an international workshop early this year. Dr. Shravya G offers personalized touch in her services that get translated into long-standing and assured results for clients.

Our specialists will revert to answer all your queries.

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